Renaissance is a powerful-lightweight template, built with advanced technologies based on Bootstrap 3.3.6.
The template is fully responsive, compatible with Retina display, includes many useful applications with which you can easily create your project.
We are adding more features with future updates which will be free forever once you purchased this template.
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Built with new Bootstrap 3.3.6
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Uses SASS
- Built in Gulp workflow
- Well structured code
- 39 pages included
- 3 different charts libraries
- Animations CSS3
- 2 types of tables
- Timeline design
- jQuery Validation
- Awesome mailbox app
- User profile
- Widgets page
- Form validation
- Projects list
- Calendar app
- Notifications
- Login, register, error pages
- and more...
- Animations
- Breadcrumbs
- Buttons
- Calendar
- Chartjs
- Flotjs
- Morrisjs
- Chat
- Colors
- Components
- Contacts
- Dashboard v1
- Dashboard v2
- Dashboard v3
- Datatables
- Email app
- Email compose
- Email inbox
- Email view
- Form elements
- Grids
- Icons
- Mailbox
- Media
- Nav buttons
- Notifications
- Panels
- Profile
- Projects
- Sliders
- Tables
- Tabs
- Timeline
- Todo list
- Typography
- Widgets
- Wizard
- 404
- Registration
- Login
- Bootstrap - Css front-end framework.
- AnimateCSS - Collection of CSS3 animations
- Gulp.js - The streaming build system
- SASS - CSS pre-processor system
- Bower - Package manager
- Bootstrap 3 Datepicker - Datepicker
- Bootstrap Wizard - Wizard
- C3.js - D3-based reusable chart library
- D3.js - JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
- DataTables - Datatables for bootstrap
- Easypiechart - Jquery pie charts
- Flot - Simple but powerful chart plugin
- Font Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
- Google Material Icons - Material Icons
- FullCalendar - A JavaScript event calendar.
- HTML5 Shiv - Basic HTML5 styling for old browsers
- Ion.RangeSlider - Easy, flexible and responsive range slider
- Jasny Bootstrap - Additional components for bootstrap framework.
- Jquery - Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- Jquery UI - Set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
- jQuery Validation - Form validation with jQuery
- Jqvmap - jQuery Vector Maps
- Meteocons - Set of weather icons
- MetisMenu - A jQuery menu plugin
- MomentJs - Display dates in JavaScript.
- Google material color - Collection of colors
- Respond.js - Polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries
- Simple Weather - Current weather data for any location
- jQuery slimScroll - Nice scrollbar
- Smoke - Additional components for bootstrap
- Sparkline - Small inline charts
- Morris.js - Good-looking charts shouldn't be difficult
- Chart.js - Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers
- Summernote - WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap
- Sweet Alerts - Alerts
- Waves - Click effect for buttons
- Zabuto Calendar - Jquery calendar
- Modernizr - Good testing tool
- Custom Select Elements - Styling select element.
- Custom Notifications - Ideas for website notifications
- Custom Menu - Inspiration for website menu