- Admin + Frontend
- Build with Bootstrap 3
- Fully Responsive Design
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Build with LESS
- Flat UI with Clean Design
- App Layout
- Many Components
- Easy to Customize
- Documentation Included
- Cross-browser Compatible
Plugins included
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Animate Css
- Animsition
- Bootstrap Datetimepicker
- Bootstrap Slider
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Colorbox
- Datatable
- Dropzone
- Flot Chart
- Font Awesome
- Full Calendar
- Gmaps
- Google Fonts
- Hover Css
- Icon Moon
- Isotope
- Local Scroll
- Masonry
- Modernizr
- Moment
- Noty
- Owl Carousel
- Revolution Slider
- Scrollto
- Select2
- Simple Calendar
- Slimscroll
- Sortable
- Sparkline
- Summernote
- Waypoint
If your have any problems, bugs, issues or requests, feel free to send us a message with your suggestions and we will consider adding it to next updates.
Change Log
- Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.6
- A few bug fixes and enhancements
- Initial release