Widget Focus, overwhelmed by widgets on a page? Click "the eye" icon and see what's happen
Reminder with audio, never late to any appointment/meeting again
Printer friendly invoice, try to print the invoice from the page
Bootstrap Tour, guide your new user and show the important info by pointing the element
10 built-in skins to give the theme more colors. You can also create your own based on available skins.
Minified navigation, more space. Fixed-top navigation, for better accessibility
Many chart types includes interactive and real-time charts
Vector Maps and Google Map
Form validation without Javascript
Working drag and drop upload
Working dynamic table that query data from database
Ajax enable widget
Tree View
File Manager
Quick Note inspired by Google Keep
Ajax drag and drop to-do list
Flash message/Growl-like notification with audio enable
Fancy form elements and general UI elements such as date picker, color picker, switch, masked input, multiselect, select2, tabs, dynamic form fields and many more
In-place editing, text editor, form layouts, input slider and tags input
Styled standard Bootstrap elements
Lots of page templates to get started
HTML5 W3C Validated
Cross-Browser Tested
Built with Sass and well organized HTML, CSS and Javascript files
Over more than 470 icons from Font Awesome and includes 200 from Glyphicon
Built with Bootstrap 3.2.0
Responsive and fluid layout
Tested on mobile devices
Well Documented
PHP to process uploaded files
PHP to query data from database and return it to AJAX table