Velonic is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 3.3.6, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
It has many ready to use hand crafted components. The theme is fully responsive, easy to customize, and the code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this theme into real web application.
- Dashboard
- Typography
- Buttons
- Icons (Ionicons, Font-awesome)
- Panels
- Tabs & Accordions
- Modals
- Bootstrap-Ui
- Notification
- Sweet-alert
- Grid
- Portlets
- Widgets
- Nesteble list
- Calendar
- Form-general Elements
- Form Validation
- Advanced Form
- Form Wizard
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Code Editors
- Multiple File-upload
- Imagecrop
- Basic Table
- Data Table
- Morris Chart
- Chartjs Chart
- C3 Chart
- Easy pie Chart
- Jquery Knob chart
- Sparkline Chart
- Inbox
- Compose Mail
- View Mail
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Profile
- Timeline
- Invoice
- Contact-list
- Log in
- Register
- Recover Password
- Lock Screen
- Blank Page
- 404 Error
- 404 Alt
- 500 Error
- Dashboard 2
- Flot Charts
- Rickshaw Charts
Credits & Official Documentation
We've used the following resources as listed.
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Font-Awesome
- Ionicons
- Animate.css
- Wow.js
- Sweet-Alert
- Codrops
- Nestable
- Nicescroll
- Full Calendar
- Form Validator
- Tags Input
- Toggels
- Bootstrap-timepicker
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Multi-select
- Select2
- Bootstrapvalidator
- Jquery-steps
- Wysihtml5
- Summernote
- Codemirror
- Dropzonejs
- Cropper
- Datatables
- Morris
- Chartjs
- C3 Chart
- Sparkline
- JQuery-Knob
- Robert-fleischmann
- Gmaps
- Vector Maps
- Uifaces (images)
- Unsplash (images)
- Flot-charts
- Rickshaw
- Pace (loader)