- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Built with new Bootstrap 3.3
- Flat UI with clean aesthetic style
- Fluid view
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Social board view
- Wizard view
- Blog view
- Article page
- Projects view
- Notes view
- Forum view
- Search view
- Email compose view
- File manager view
- Chat view
- Invoice page
- Extended forms
- App plans view
- Code editor
- Nestable list view
- Tour plugin
- Fixed sidebar
- Fixed navbar
- Mailbox view
- Gallery view
- Project detail view
- FAQ view
- Email template
- Landing page
- Widgets
- 3 different charts libraries
- Animations CSS3
- Form validation
- Big menu component
- Various styles of tables
- Staggering Animations
- Well structured code
- Well organized code
- Custom bootstrap checkbox
- Profile view
- Custom alerts
- FooTable
- Special notifications
- Contacts view
- Google map
- Timeline view
- ngGrid tables
- Calendar view
- Customized modal view
- Unique Dashboard
- Special analytics view
- SeedProject
- Lock screen view
- Login, register, error pages
- and many more...
- Bootstrap css front-end framework.
- jQuery fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- Flot simple but powerful chart plugin
- FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar
- iCheck Custom radio and checkbox buttons
- jQueryUI set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
- metisMenu Easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter bootstrap
- Peity simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <svg> mini, pie, line or bar chart
- Sparkline jQuery inline chart library
- Summernote Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap
- Unsplash all images from Unsplash - Free hi-resolution photos
- UiFaces all avatar faces from UiFaces
- UIrouter Angular solution to flexible routing with nested views
- UICalendar Directive for FullCalendar
- UIBootstrap Bootstrap directives for Angular
- AngularPeity Peity chart directive
- AngularFlot Flot chart directive
- AngularSummernote Summernote directive for Angular
- AngularChartJS ChartJs directive for Angular
- GoogleMapsApi Google maps API
- ngGrid NgGrid directive
- uiMap Google mpas directive
- Timeline: Vertical timeline inspiration
- PerspectiveMockup Perspective iPad mockup for Landing Page
- OpenSans Google Open Sans Web Font
- Notify: Angular native notification plugin
- GruntGen: Angular Grunt generator
- Spinner:Spinner svg
- SweetalertDirective: Sweet alert directive
- Peicon: A series of iOS 7 inspired vector icons
- SweetAlert: Custom alert
- Toastr: jQuery Notification plugin
- uiTree: Nestable list for AngularJS
- starRating:JQuery star rating plugin
- nestable: Drag & drop hierarchical list
- animate: Animations library
- Tour: Tour component
- ngTour: Angular directive for Tour
- xEditable: Inline edit plugin
- angularXeditable: Angular directive for xEditable
- touchSpin: special bootstrap spiner component
- datapicker: Bootstrap datapicker
- datatables: Datatables plugin
- angularDatatables: Angular directive for Datatables
- bootstrapCheckbox: Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios
- blueimp: Touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery
- uiSortable: AngularJS bindings for jQuery UI Sortable
- meteor: Open-source platform for building top-quality web apps
- ironRouter: A router that works on the server and the browser, designed specifically for Meteor
- fooTable: Plugin for additional features for tables
- uiFooTable: AngularJS directive for FooTable
- jqueryValidation: Plugin makes simple clientside form validation
- emailTemplate: Responsive email template
- chartist: Simple responsive charts
- angularChartist: Angular directive for Chartist
- codemirror: Versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser.
- uiCodemirror: Angular directive for codemirror
In Progress
- .NET 5 MVC6 project
- Update to Angular 1.4
- SCSS files
- C3 charts library
- Time picker
- DataTables export buttons
- Loading buttons
- Seed projects
- Meteor update
- UI Bootstrap update
- New date time picker
- Update icons sets
- Fixed and improvements
- New dashboard
- New analytics view
Ideas for new page? Send us a message to discuss about it!